Sunday, March 08, 2009


Been away from bloggish things again for too long, so here's some random blurbish for anyone who pops in to check on me now and then. Not that I don't have much to say, it's more I have much to do and I'm not sure how much of it gives me something to say. I work. I drink coffee. I come home. I keep Ariel entertained while Mommy gets a break. I work some more. I sleep. Whee!

But there's been some cool stuff going on too. Like finding giant gnomes and scary clowns on Vancouver Island...

Weddings...(Congrats to Ross & Kailey, and Graeme & Kalia!)

My girls, always cute...

Finding Puppetoons on the internet (just too much fun to watch)...

And enjoying the fact that people with too much time on their hands decide to compile together all the moments where Snoopy says "Bleaahh." This makes me & Ariel happy.

My major projects sustaining all of this weird stuff have mainly been trying to get the busy graduation-orientation time period at VanArts overwith, so I can get past the post-intake crash...(time change and winter weather doesn't help)....and get going on building my online course. Will be in San Francisco again May 5-9 and can't wait to eat at Mel's Diner again. I also have another 2D animation freelance project going with BigFott. So lots of work and caffeinated good times lie ahead.

In-between projects and procrastination I've also been chipping away at transferring some old videos & recordings of fun times with my old friends from Michigan, for the purpose of mailing off some surprise care packages to them. Always fun to look back at fun times with old ghosts who I miss at times, particularly in these reflective winter days when the rain falls, the eagles are everywhere, and my mind wanders to think about my blessings in a fog of nostalgic joyous melancholy.


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