Saturday, September 06, 2008

Happie Weird Weekend Stuff

This new animated short by my friend Ryan McCulloch made me crack up laughing today.

I feel very happie and relaxed this weekend...the new batch of students has finally arrived at VanArts, last year's batch is graduated and ready to move on to greatness, and I have my first batch of online students at AAU getting ready to rock. (My own course didn't fly for this semester, so I'm teaching one of the pre-requisite courses in Experimental Animation and hoping that my course will run next semester.) So for right now, it's wonderful to have nothing to do or worry about except family time,Spark Animation next week and Disneyland right after that!

Oh, and one more thing...somebody should write to the folks at McDonald's. AT-ATs and Stormtroopers are cool by themselves, but this is the most retarded thing I've ever seen in my life.


Ryan McCulloch said...

Hey man thanks for the plug, I appreciate it, that rocks! Really glad you liked it, this is one of my new personal favs. Let me know if you need anything for the online course.

Nicole Standard said...

That film was funny! Blake and I have to agree that toy is pretty lame. Have fun in Disneyland :) Say hi to Mickey and Pluto for me and ask that Donald duck where he has been every time I go down there :( lolo