Animation festivals, in the past few years, have become a small obsession for me and something I look forward to, especially now that some have sprung up closer to home. The big appeal for me has been the opportunity to meet many of my heroes...various animation historians and independent animators whose work I enjoy, and generally just chatting up animation & watching films with others who love it as much as I do. Even though I work everyday with lots of animators, during the daily grind there's not always much time for the same kind of animation-chat. When it comes to conversations, I'm not much of a "guy-talk" person...I don't like sports, politics, cars, gas prices, stock portfolios, construction or the other kinds of things most guys usually talk about. But when it comes to movies, music, art & faith, and especially weird animated films, I can chat up a storm and become rather animated myself. This is a big part of why I'm drawn to these events, for meeting with kindred spirits and making connections, a few of which have led to nurturing present & future projects. When Ariel is old enough, I look forward to toting her along to enjoy the kid-friendly events these festivals usually provide.
Ironically enough, today I ended up having a brief chat with Youth Pastor Dan about the idea I have for a 'festival' of my own. So more news on that as it crystallizes....
Over & out...Ariel's awake.