Friday, March 11, 2005

Star Wars III

Wow the new Star Wars trailer is AWWWWWWESOME! Gave me chills.

Finally got to see it on the news last night, since it wasn't on during the OC like they kept saying. What a moronic show that is; i can still tell just by watching it without sound. We had our split screen on watching Survivor on the left and the OC on the right so we would know when the Star Wars trailer came on, which it didn't. Oh well. Perhaps on different networks it played. Such a shame that anyone would have to sit through an agonizing hour of crap to see 2 minutes of brilliance.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Photo Shoot

Yesterday we had an official, professionally-done photo shoot, since we never really had any real 'engagement' photos way back when. Our photographer Maria Petersen (Frozen Reflections Photography) was great, very professional and did an awesome job. We got them done at Granville Island and English Bay Beach, two of the best places on Earth.

The best pics are posted on the Prie-believing website, starting at

Yay! It was a very romantic thing to do...since work has been so stressful the past few days, this was an awesome way to re-connect and just be together. Ah, sparks is good.
